Saturday, 14 March 2020

Medical Curriculum Vitae Example and Writing Tips

There are Medical Curriculum Vitae Example and Writing Tips. This post will help you solve the problem. Read the following.

Updated March 14, 2020

When writing a curriculum vitae (CV), your objective is to provide details of your professional, academic, and extracurricular achievements. The details will vary slightly depending on your industry as well as your experience.

1. What to Include in Your CV

A medical curriculum vitae should include details of your education (undergraduate and graduate), fellowships, licensing, certifications, publications, teaching and professional work experience, awards you have received, and associations you belong to.

2. Medical CV Writing Tips

Is a CV right for you? If you’re applying for a job in a country that’s outside the U.S., or you’re in academia or research, a CV may be the right choice. However, if you’re job searching in the United States and your experience fits on one page, you may be better off writing a resume unless the job advertisement specifically asks for a curriculum vitae.

Length: Typically, CVs are at least two pages long, sometimes longer. While not every job search expert still believes that resumes should be kept to one page, resumes are typically briefer than CVs. However, even with more room to expand, job seekers should be careful only to include information that pertains to the job. Unrelated job titles, experience, and skills will only draw attention away from your more relevant qualifications.

Consistency: When formatting your CV, choose a basic font like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri, and use it consistently throughout your document. Mixing up fonts won’t look eye-catching and will confuse the reader giving an unprofessional impression. It’s also important to be consistent with formatting choices like bold, italics, and caps. If you do some of your headings in bold, you should do all of them. If you choose to italicize job titles or employers, you should do so throughout.

Customization: Write a customized CV for every job opening. While this may seem like a waste of time, it’s anything but. Sending out a cookie-cutter CV or resume is a good way to get your application tossed. It will be immediately apparent to hiring managers that you’re trying to land any job, not specifically the job they’re hoping to fill. That’s not a selling point.

Accuracy: Make sure you’re scrupulously accurate about dates, job titles, and names of advisors and employers. Proofread your document carefully and make sure that the tenses, names of companies, and formatting are consistent throughout.

What not to include in a CV: You shouldn’t include your photo or salary history when sending your CV. Send references only upon request, separately from your CV.

3. Medical Curriculum Vitae Example

Like many curricula vitae, this medical CV example follows a standard format and contains sections for education, certification and licensure, graduate medical training (including internship, residency, and fellowship history), professional experience, publications, and honors and awards.

This particular example is for a physician with a focus on neurology. This person also teaches in medical school, so her curriculum vitae includes a section describing her teaching experience.

Medical Curriculum Vitae Example

101 Main Street
Van Tassel, NY 10701
000.123.4567 (Cell)


M.D., New York University Medical School, 2013, New York, NY

Bachelor of ScienceNeuroscience, Southern Vermont Universitymagna cum laude, 2009


  • Board-certified in internal medicine, 2013-present
  • Licensed physician in New York State, 2013


  • Fellowship: Neurology and Neurophysiology, Gulf Coast Hospital, Tampa, FL, 2016-2017
  • Residency: Neuropsychiatry, Dalla General Hospital, Dallas, TX, 2014-2017
  • Internship: Psychiatry, New York Memorial Hospital, New York, NY, 2013-2014


Consultant Physician, East Side Partners Private Practice, 2017-Present, New York, NY

  • Assess, diagnose, and treat patients at high-volume neurology office.

Attending Physician, New York Public Hospital, New York, NY

  • Honed expertise in the practice of neurological medicine in metropolitan hospital ER.


  • Assistant Professor, New York University Medical School, Department of Psychology, 2018-present
  • Teaching Assistant, Southern Vermont University, Pre-Medical Studies, Fall 2007 – Spring 2008


Jeffrey Jacobs Memorial Medical Student Scholarship, 2013

  • Awarded based on undergraduate academic achievement, leadership, and character.

Valedictorian, Southern Vermont University, Spring 2009

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Southern Vermont University, 2009

  • Nominated by department chair based on student surveys.


Appleton, J., Smith, W., and Martinez, O. “Preventing Drug Abuse: An Alternative Solution.” American Journal of Medicine 50.2 (2017): 138-59.

Appleton, J., Jones, B. “Opioid Addiction and PTSD: An Exploration.” Medical Journal of the West 40.1 (2016): 92-97.


“A Different Approach to Treating Opioid Addiction.” Treating Addiction Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, 2018.

“PTSD Treatment: Rewiring the Brain.” Anxiety Disorders Symposium. New York, NY 2017.


  • American Medical Association
  • U.S. Psychiatric Association


Peer-reviewed articles for:

  • American Journal of Medicine
  • Medical Journal of the West


  • Free Clinic of the Lower East Side, New York NY, 2013-Present
  • Volunteer Consultant Physician, Neurology

I hope this post can be helpful to you. You will be solved the problem with More ideas for you: International Curriculum Vitae Example and Writing Tips

Source : Medical Curriculum Vitae Example and Writing Tips

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