Saturday, 14 March 2020

United Kingdom Curriculum Vitae (CV) Example

There are United Kingdom Curriculum Vitae (CV) Examples. This post will help you solve the problem. Read the following.

Updated March 14, 2020

In other regions of the world, employers often require job candidates to submit CVs; however, international CVs are quite different from U.S. CVs. In the U.S., CVs are used in specific industries, such as academia, scientific research fields, and the medical profession. They are often longer than traditional resumes—beginning at two to three pages for entry-level candidates—and are meant to emphasize one’s academic and professional background and credentials.

CVs in other countries are more similar to U.S. resumes than they are to U.S. CVs. With a few exceptions, they tend to be more competency-based than credentials-based. What distinguishes them from the career search documents used in the U.S. is that they often require personal information that would be illegal for U.S. employers to ask for due to anti-discrimination and other EEOC employment laws.

When you’re applying for an international job, you’ll need to know the expected CV format and content required, which can vary widely, depending on the nation you’re targeting. A CV written for a job in the United Kingdom will be slightly different than one written for another country, like Germany or Portugal.

1. Tips for Writing a CV for a Job in the United Kingdom

Include personal information: Like any resume or CV, include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top. While some countries require you to include other personal information, such as your marital status or age, this is not required in the UK. You also do not need to include a photo of yourself unless this is specifically requested by an employer.

Include a personal profile: After you’ve provided your contact information, begin your CV with a one-paragraph professional profile summarizing your career goals and the skills you can offer an employer.

Include all relevant work experience: Because a CV can be longer than a resume, feel free to include all relevant work experience in the Employment History section of your CV. Below the basic information for each position—like the company name, job title, time employed, etc.—include a summary of your responsibilities and achievements in a bulleted list or small paragraph.

Don’t feel like you have to limit your CV to only the last 10 or so years. If you have relevant experience from further back, you have the option to include this, although it certainly isn’t required that you do so. You don’t have to provide summaries and achievements for positions you held more than 10 years ago; it’s enough to merely list the name of the employer, their location, your job title, and the dates employed.

Write more than one page (if necessary): Unless you’re applying for an upper-level position and have extensive experience, most resumes in the U.S. are only one page. However, this is not the case for CVs in the UK, which can be two or more pages. Only include relevant information in your CV and don’t add information just for the sake of lengthening your CV. If you only have one of two lines on the final page of your CV, revise it so your information fills out each page.

Include related interests (optional): Some CVs for jobs in the UK include a section dedicated to Interests or Interests and Achievements, which contains hobbies outside of work. This section helps show your personality in the CV, but if you include a section like this, make sure the interests you include are somewhat related to the position. For example, if you are applying for a job in outdoor education, you might mention that you are a member of a rock climbing club.

Anglicize your spelling: When applying for jobs in the UK, you need to use British English. For example, in the UK, unpaid internships are referred to as “work experiences.” A vital part of this is to use correct British spelling, and the easiest way to do this is to spellcheck your CV using the British English setting. To do this in Windows:

  1. Select the entire text of your CV, then open the Review tab.
  2. Click the Language tool in the Language group and then select Set Proofing Language.
  3. Select English (United Kingdom).
  4. Press F7 to have Word begin checking the spelling and grammar.
  5. Make the prompted corrections.

Proofread Carefully: Like any resume or CV, be sure to thoroughly edit your CV before submitting it to an employer. Proofread for any typos or grammatical errors, and make sure your formatting is uniform throughout the CV. If you put one of the section titles in bold font, be sure to put all the section titles in bold font. Consider asking a friend, family member, or career counselor to look over your CV as well.

2. UK Curriculum Vitae Sample

Here is an example of what a CV written for jobs in the UK looks like.

UK Curriculum Vitae Sample

Eleanor English
11 Main Road, Preston, London PR 1
123.111111 (Cell)


Versatile and creative professional positioned to excel within role requiring cross-functional graphic design, digital design, and website development talents. Well-versed in software technologies including Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Creative Suite.


HND in Computing, May 2015
Modules included: Software Development, Database Systems, Multimedia and Systems Analysis

BTEC Diploma in Information Technology, May 2012

PRESTON COLLEGE, Preston, England
Modules included: Business IT, Intro to Digital Design, Programming, Designing Databases, and Organizations in IT


The Salvation Army, London, UK
IT Mentor Volunteer, April 2017 – Present
Train end-users on how to use and operate software applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

  • Responsible for maintenance of hardware and software used for training purposes and recommending repairs to management where appropriate.

European Training Services, Prague, Czech Republic
Graphic Design Work Experience, May 2013 – July 2013
Duties included creating web content, editing graphics, and writing copy for clients’ websites and promotional materials.

  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design high-profile web content for companies including Spencer’s, Projekt Blue, and Global United.

Computer Science Corporation, London, UK
Triage Administrator, December 2012 – April 2013
Monitored allocated order queues and assigned work from the relevant queues.

  • Entered purchase orders accurately and promptly.

HM Revenue & Customs, London, UK
Administrative Assistant, December 2011 – December 2012
Organized and filed paperwork, set up mailing systems, and processed backlogs of documents.

  • Played key role in helping to set up and train personnel in new office software system.


Volunteer Editor, The Headless Way
IT Mentor to public school students
Personal food blogging

I hope this post can be helpful to you. You will be solved the problem with More ideas for you: Academic Curriculum Vitae (CV) Example and Writing Tips

Source : United Kingdom Curriculum Vitae (CV) Example

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